入学时间 | 项目时长 | 项目学费 |
2/7月 | 1年 | 56300澳元/年 |
类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 6.5 | 6.0 |
托福 | 79 | L:12 | R:13 | W:21 | S:18 |
PTE | 58 | 50 |
本课程将拓展你在所选专业领域的技术知识,提升你在跨文化环境中的领导力和解决复杂问题的技能。有六个工程专业可供选择:生物、土木、电气、材料、机械和工程管理。让你有机会在更高的水平上探索你的专业,追求你的职业目标。 旨在培养创新思维,企业家精神和专业发展,你将有能力领导和提供可持续的工程解决方案。
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
2 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
3 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
4 | 生物工程 | Biological engineering |
5 | 先进的生物处理技术 | Advanced bioprocess technology |
6 | 先进的生化工程 | Advanced biochemical engineering |
7 | 生物量和生物炼制 | Biomass and biorefineries |
8 | 先进的生物聚合物 | Advanced biopolymers |
9 | 食品工程与加工 | Food engineering and processing |
10 | 集成学习工作 | Work integrated learning |
11 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
12 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
13 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
2 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
3 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
4 | 地面危害工程 | Ground hazards engineering |
5 | 高级交通工程 | Advanced traffic engineering |
6 | 交通工程及管理 | Traffic engineering and management |
7 | 智能运输系统 | Intelligent transport systems |
8 | 规划城市交通未来 | Planning urban mobility futures |
9 | 地下水水力学 | Ground water hydraulics |
10 | 洪水水力学和水文学 | Flood hydraulics and hydrology |
11 | 地表水水文 | Surface water hydrology |
12 | 水敏感雨水设计 | Water sensitive stormwater design |
13 | 基础设施的动力 | Infrastructure dynamics |
14 | 基础地质力学 | Infrastructure geomechanics |
15 | 基础设施修复及监察 | Infrastructure rehabilitation and monitoring |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
2 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
3 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
4 | 实时系统设计 | Real-time system design |
5 | 高阶电子产品设计 | Advanced electronics design |
6 | 高阶信号处理 | Advanced signal processing |
7 | 无线通信 | Wireless communications |
8 | 生物量和生物炼制 | Biomass and biorefineries |
9 | 用于分离和能源生产的纳米结构膜 | Nanostructured membranes for separation and energy production |
10 | 先进的电磁学 | Advanced electromagnetics |
11 | 光通信 | Optical communications |
12 | 多媒体技术 | Multimedia technologies |
13 | 电力系统分析 | Power system analysis |
14 | 高阶电力电子 | Advanced power electronics |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
2 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
3 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
4 | 高阶材料建模 | Advanced materials modelling |
5 | 材料和可持续性 | Materials and sustainability |
6 | 工程合金的设计、加工和选用 | Engineering alloy design, processing and selection |
7 | 工程与纳米材料 | Engineering with nanomaterials |
8 | 晶体学在高级材料表征中的应用 | Applied crystallography in advanced materials characterisation |
9 | 先进高分子材料 | Advanced polymeric materials |
10 | 金属和工程材料的环保耐久性和保护 | Environmental durability and protection of metals and engineering materials |
11 | 先进的光伏和储能技术 | Advanced photovoltaics and energy storage |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级工程数据分析 | Advanced engineering data analysis |
2 | 组织和社会的专业工程师 | Professional engineer in organisation and society |
3 | 工程研究实践 | Research practice in engineering |
4 | 工程系统性能分析 | Engineering systems performance analysis |
5 | 机械系统设计 | Mechanical systems design |
6 | 可持续工程系统 | Sustainable engineering systems |
7 | 能源效率和可持续性工程 | Energy efficiency and sustainability engineering |
8 | 集成学习工作 | Work integrated learning |
9 | 仪表、传感和监控 | Instrumentation, sensing and monitoring |
10 | 可再生能源系统 | Renewable energy systems |
11 | 精益生产 | Lean manufacturing |
对外经贸大学 专家楼
Block E, JTC CleanTech Three, 8 Cleantech Loop, Singapore 637145