入学时间 | 项目时长 | 项目学费 |
9月 | 1年 | HK$200,000/年 |
类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 6.0 | L:5.5 | R:5.5 | W:5.5 | S:5.5 |
托福 | 80 | / |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 问题解决社会学:社会的社会理论 | Problem solving sociology: social theory for society |
2 | 社会学研究设计和基本方法 | Sociological research design and fundamental methods |
3 | 定性研究方法 | Qualitative research methods |
4 | 定量研究方法 | Quantitative research methods |
5 | 社会分层和社会阶层:找到并了解自己的位置 | Social stratification and social class: finding and knowing your place |
6 | 教育与社会 | Education and society |
7 | 性别与社会 | Gender and society |
8 | 婚姻与家庭 | Marriage and the family |
9 | 政治与社会 | Politics and society |
10 | 经济社会学 | Economic sociology |
11 | 社会学专题 | Special topics in sociology |
12 | 经济犯罪和有组织犯罪 | Economic and organized crime |
13 | 法律与社会 | Law and society |
14 | 刑罚与社会 | Punishment and society |
15 | 青少年与犯罪 | Youth and delinquency |
16 | 犯罪学专题 | Special topics in criminology |
17 | 媒体与犯罪 | Media and crime |
18 | 性别、犯罪和社会控制 | Gender, crime and social control |
19 | 中国的犯罪与偏差 | Crime and deviance in PR China |
20 | 文化犯罪学 | Cultural criminology |
21 | 比较视角下的警务 | Policing in comparative perspective |
22 | 警察改革中的问题 | Issues in police reform |
23 | 白领和企业犯罪 | White collar and corporate crime |
24 | 毒品与社会 | Drugs and society |
25 | 东亚城市的媒体和流行文化 | Media and popular culture in East Asian cities |
26 | 数字媒体、道德和文化 | Digital media, moralities and cultures |
27 | 消费文化和日常生活 | Consumer cultures and everyday life |
28 | 文化与身份——后现代社会的反思与叙事 | Culture and Identity - reflexivity and narratives in late-modern society |
29 | 身体、亲密关系和性行为:现代社会的媒体叙事和生活经验 | Body, intimacy and sexuality: media narratives and lived experience in modern society |
30 | 文化政策和全球城市 | Cultural policies and global cities |
31 | 创意产业和创意城市 | Creative industries and creative cities |
32 | 媒体、文化和创意城市专题 | Special topics in media, culture and creative cities |
33 | 共存:现代城市中的人与动物关系 | Co-presence: human-animal relationships in modern cities |
34 | 生育率和家庭结构 | Fertility and family structures |
35 | 死亡率,衰老和健康 | Mortality, ageing and health |
36 | 移民和城市化 | Migration and urbanization |
37 | 全球人口统计与发展 | Global demography and development |
38 | 大中华区人口统计 | Demography of Greater China |
对外经贸大学 专家楼
Block E, JTC CleanTech Three, 8 Cleantech Loop, Singapore 637145