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  • 国际语境中的数学教学硕士 - 香港大学
    Teaching of Mathematics in an International Context(TMIC)
    申请难度:高 就业前景:优 消费水平:中
    入学时间 项目时长 项目学费
    9月 全日制1年 168,000港币
    类型 总分要求 小分要求
    雅思 6.5 单项不低于5.5
    托福 85 /


    序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
    1 将IB哲学融入汉语,数学和科学的教学中 Course 1: Integrating IB Philosophy into the Teaching of Chinese Language, Mathematics and Science
    2 课堂研究和或数学教学实践 Course 2: Research and or Mathematics Teaching Practice in Classrooms
    3 数学教学研究 Course 3: Research into the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
    4 数学教育的哲学,社会和文化方面 Course 4: The Philosophical, Social and Cultural Aspects of Mathematics Education
    5 数学课程研究与发展 Specialist Elective 1: Curriculum Research and Development in Mathematics
    6 数学教学设计的创新与发展 Specialist Elective 2: Innovation and Development of Instructional Design in Mathematics
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