入学时间 | 项目时长 | 项目学费 |
8月 | 1年 | 49050新币/年 |
类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 6.0 | / |
托福 | 85 | / |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 物理与技术 | Physics and Technology |
2 | 工业物理学 | Physics in Industry |
3 | 实验物理的基本技术 | Essential Techniques in Experimental Physics |
4 | 理学硕士物理与技术课程论文 | M.Sc Coursework Thesis for Physics and Technology |
5 | 量子技术的器件物理 | Device Physics for Quantum Technology |
6 | 量子力学III | Quantum Mechanics III |
7 | 计算凝聚态物理 | Computational Condensed Matter Physics |
8 | 固态物理II | Solid State Physics II |
9 | 统计力学 | Statistical Mechanics |
10 | 原子与分子物理II | Atomic and Molecular Physics II |
11 | 粒子物理学 | Particle Physics |
12 | 量子光学 | Quantum Optics |
13 | 广义相对论 | General Relativity |
14 | 天体物理学II | Astrophysics II |
15 | 薄膜技术 | Thin Film Technology |
16 | 表面物理学 | Surface Physics |
17 | 遥感 | Remote Sensing |
18 | 先进的固态器件 | Advanced Solid State Devices |
19 | 生物物理学III | Biophysics III |
20 | 生物物理仪器与生物分子电子学 | Biophysical Instrumentation and Biomolecular Electronics |
21 | 物理中的数学方法III | Mathematical Methods in Physics III |
22 | 气候科学与气候变化基础 | Climate Science and Climate Change Fundamentals |
23 | 高级量子力学 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics |
24 | 高级统计力学 | Advanced Statistical Mechanics |
25 | 高级固体物理学 | Advanced Solid State Physics |
26 | 磁学与自旋电子学 | Magnetism and Spintronics |
27 | 物理学专题:解析近似 | Special Topics in Physics: Analytic Approximations |
28 | 表面物理学专题 | Topics in Surface Physics |
29 | 量子场论选题 | Selected Topics in Quantum Field Theory |
30 | 基于加速器的材料特性 | Accelerator Based Materials Characterisation |
31 | 高级动力学 | Advanced Dynamics |
32 | 高级电动力学 | Advanced Electrodynamics |
33 | 纳米结构物理学 | Physics of Nanostructures |
34 | 高级生物物理学 | Advanced Biophysics |
35 | 数字配方及其应用 | Numerical Recipes with Applications |
36 | 高级原子和分子物理学 | Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics |
37 | 超导与超导器件 | Superconductivity and Superconducting Devices |
38 | 量子多体物理:一个信息视角 | Quantum Many-Body Physics: an Informational Perspective |
39 | 量子信息与计算 | Quantum Information and Computation |
40 | 未来的功能电子设备 | Functional Electronic Devices of Tomorrow |
41 | 光子学II | Photonics II |
42 | 应用机器学习与数据科学 | Applied Machine Learning and Data Science |
43 | 贝叶斯统计与机器学习 | Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning |
44 | 复杂系统分析与建模 | Complex Systems Analysis and Modelling |
45 | 小机器物理学与活性物质 | Physics of Small Machines and Active Matters |
46 | 传感器物理学 | Physics of Sensors |
47 | 物理学中的高级数学方法 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Physics |
48 | 量子测量和统计 | Quantum measurements and statistics |
49 | 量子电子学 | Quantum Electronics |
对外经贸大学 专家楼
Block E, JTC CleanTech Three, 8 Cleantech Loop, Singapore 637145