入学时间 | 项目时长 | 项目学费 |
9月 | 全日制1年 | 31,100英镑 |
类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 7.5 | 7 |
托福 | 109 | 阅读和写作 27/30,口语和听力 23/30 |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 疯狂 | Madness |
2 | 疾病 | Illness |
3 | 论文 | Dissertation |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 政治与伦理 | Politics and Ethics |
2 | 多学科社会研究 | Multidisciplinary Social Research |
3 | 性研究批判导论 | Critical Introduction to Sexuality Studies |
4 | 性别、性与安全的全球政治 | Global Politics of Gender, Sexuality and Security |
5 | 性别与老龄化 女性主义地质学 | Gender and Ageing: A Feminist Gerentology |
6 | 女性主义与医学自我 | Feminism and the Medical Self |
7 | 感觉如何?身体与世界之间的当代小说 | How Does It Feel? Contemporary Fiction Between the Body and the World |
8 | 银幕上的医学: 20 世纪 20 年代至今电影中的医生、保健和医学形象 | Medicine on Screen: Representations of Doctors, Health Care and Medicine in Film from the 1920's to the Present |
9 | 悲伤的虚构 | Fictions of Grief |
10 | 医学人类学 | Medical Anthropology |
11 | 移民与健康 | Migration and Health |
12 | 文化记忆 | Cultural Memory |
13 | 健康与福祉 | Health and Wellbeing |
14 | 法国的艾滋病文化:历史、政策与表述 | Cultures of AIDS in France: History, Policy and Representation |
15 | 全球健康的人类学视角 | Anthropological Perspectives on Global Health |
16 | 全球背景下的卫生系统 | Health Systems in a Global Context |
17 | 科学、艺术与哲学 | Science, Art and Philosophy |
18 | 健康的哲学、政治学和经济学 | Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health |
19 | 社会和全球背景下的心理健康 | Mental Health in a Social and Global Context |
20 | 聋人文化与身份认同 | Deaf culture and identities |
21 | 儿童公共卫生 | Child Public Health |
22 | 种族、移民与健康 | Ethnicity, Migration and Health |
23 | 无家可归者与包容健康 | Homeless and Inclusion Health |
24 | 性别与全球健康 | Gender and Global Health |
25 | 城市健康 | Urban Health |
对外经贸大学 专家楼
Block E, JTC CleanTech Three, 8 Cleantech Loop, Singapore 637145